The Bhagwa Dhwaj is the symbol of Hindu culture and Dharma from times immemorial. It reminds us of our great heritage, it defines our identity and above all it inspires us. For this purpose, in Sangh, the Bhagwa Dhwaj has been placed before us as the Guru or
guide and hence we pay respect to it.

The word ’Bhagwa’ comes from ’Bhaga’ or Sun. ’Bhagwa’ is a symbol of six things: all kinds of wealth, Dharma, reputation, prosperity, knowledge and detachment. It has existed and guided the Hindu society right from its origin. It has inspired and has been honoured by Hindu Saints and heroes. In the past the Hindu warriors would carry the flag into the battlefield. It would dispel all fears and lead them into victory. The Hindu monks wear Bhagwa coloured robes to signify that they have renounced everything and put themselves on the path of salvation.

The colour of the flag embodies the glorious orange hue of the Sun that dispels darkness and sheds light all around. It has the colour of fire. The fire is a great purifier. The shape of rising flames and orange colour tell us to shake off one’s lethargy and do one’s duty.

The Sun shines brilliantly throughout the day giving energy and life without demanding anything in return. So, we make sacrifices for the samaj without expectations. The rising flames tell us to rise above all our dogmatic arguments and make our samaj glorious. The question is asked why Doctorji, the founder of Sangh was not taken as the Guru or any other person for that matter. The reason that Doctorji gave himself was that, a person cannot live forever and there is no guarantee that everyone will continue to follow him always, and secondly an individual cannot be at many places at the same
time. Therefore Doctorji placed before us the Bhagwa Dhwaj which, as well as being able to have an inspiring influence in all ours shakhas, has been inspiring and guiding the Hindu society, saints and heroes from ancient times and has been the Guru of all Gurus.

The Bhagwa Dhwaj is eternal (Sanatan) and universal (Vaishvic). Since we have accepted the Bhagwa Dhwaj as our Guru in Sangh, we do Pranam at the starting and ending of our Shakha. It is now our turn to make great sacrifices before the Bhagwa Dhwaj just as great men of the past did and strive to achieve our mission.
