Hindu Sevika Samiti
Recent Samiti News

Firefighters Celebrate Hindu Festival
Hindu Youth Group, created bonds for Peace and Social Harmony Members of the Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh and Hindu Sevika Samiti…

Basingstoke Shakha & Balagokulam celebrate SEWA day and International Day of Yoga
Yoga & Sewa day is a very popular event in Basingstoke. All the communities in Basingstoke eagerly look forward to…

Abhyaas, Abhyaas, Abhyaas
Samiti: Enhancing our ‘basics’ Practice will lead us toward perfection. We all recognise that a strong Karyakarta is the key…

ABHYAAS, ABHYAAS, ABHYAAS! A new national initiative
Samiti National Abhyas Varg A varg [Trainning] to develop our core skills as karyakartas to strengthen our shakha and continue…