Leicester Nagar organised an Adventure Weekend on 24th- 25th March 2018 where 14 swayamsevaks were pushed out of their comfort zone at The National Water Sports Centre (Holme Pierrepont Country Park) near Nottingham.

A full age range of swayamsevaks from 12 year olds to 50+ participated in 2 days of intense and gruelling physical and mental outdoor activities. This included a military assault course, 20m high-rope walking, laser combat and water wipeout, not to mention setting up their own camping tents, washing everyone’s plates and eating outdoors.

To successfully complete the challenges, all the participants had to support, encourage and assist each other and overcome personal individual challenges such as fears of heights, jumping into FREEZING cold water, coping with exhaustion and pushing through various obstacles both as individuals and as a team.

A camp fire in the late evening let us switch off from the outside world (neatly coinciding with Earth Hour) whilst swayamsevaks reminisced and told stories of their most unforgettable Sangh memories. The following day started with Shakha at the campsite and Suryanamaskar in the morning sun.

Overall, the weekend brought back memories for the older swayamsevaks recalling their childhood adventures and built new memories for the younger swayamsevaks. The experience proved positive to all age groups demonstrating what is possible, coping with discomfort, dealing with situations outside the norm and coming out on top, as well as building stronger bonds between the group.

Ishwar Chhagan

Leicester Nagar Nidhi Pramukh


