HSS (UK) Sangh Shiksha Varg (SSV) 2025


Welcome to the HSS (UK) Sangh Shiksha Varg 2025 registration page.

Sangh Shiksha Varg (SSV) is a structured residential course attended by over 400 selected youths, instructors, advisors and support workers. This course provides an ongoing 5-year training programme to develop ‘Leaders’ from the age of 13 years onwards. The course involves personal and team leadership development skills through physical programmes and intellectual workshops, discussions and lectures.

Please review the criteria in the table below then click on the relevant button below to proceed with the registration.

SSV Swayamsevak (Male only)


SSV Sevika (Female Only)


Further information on the varg, what to expect when you arrive, pre-varg reading materials, etc will be emailed four weeks prior to the start of the Varg. 


Varg Details:
Date Karyakram Time
Saturday 27th July Welcome & Ganesh Puja 10am - 1pm
Sunday 4th August Varg Conclusion and Depart 2pm
Pre-requisites for each varg are detailed below, please read through carefully. 
Varsh Criteria / Pre-requisites
Prathmik Varsh (1st yr) Minimum age: 13 by 31st Aug 2024. Attended shakha for a minimum of 6 months, attended 2 local abhyaas vargs, basic Sangh knowledge.
Prathmik Varsh 25yrs+ (1st yr) Anyone 25yrs+ that are new to Sangh (MUST have attended shakha for minimum of 6 months), this replaces what was previously called as Prabodh varsh.
Pravesh Varsh (2nd yr) Must have completed previous years, regularly attends shakha and shakha karyawaha confirms he/she is ready to attend
Pravesh Varsh 25yrs+ (2nd yr) Must have completed previous years, regularly attends shakha and shakha karyawaha confirms he/she is ready to attend
Praveen Varsh (3rd yr) Must have completed previous years, regularly attends shakha and shakha karyawaha confirms he/she is ready to attend
Praveen Varsh 25yrs+ (3rd yr) Must have completed previous years, regularly attends shakha and shakha karyawaha confirms he/she is ready to attend
Prabandhak Varsh (4th yr) Must have completed previous years, regularly attends shakha and shakha karyawaha confirms he/she is ready to attend
Shikshak Varsh (5th Year) Must have completed previous years, regularly attends shakha and shakha karyawaha confirms he/she is ready to attend
SSV Karyakarta (Prabandhak / Shikshak) Minimum age 18, must have completed upto Prabandhak Varsh or Pravesh Varsh 25yrs+
All Karyakartas are expected to arrive by no later than 6pm on Friday 26th July 2024