HSS (UK) Online Resources

These are unprecedented times and it is vital we stay safe and heed the UK Government advice to;
Stay Alert – Control the Virus – Save Lives.

HSS (UK) are pleased to present the below initiatives for our physical, intellectual, mental and spiritual wellbeing during the COVID-19 nationwide lockdown.

Morning E-Shākhā

Monday to Friday 8.00am – 9.00am
A great way to start our day with Ish Chintan, Namaskar Mantra, Dhvaj Pranām and Prārthanā and Yoga

Chair Yoga

Monday and Thursday 11.00am – 12.00pm
Perfect for the elderly and those who are physically less able

Suryanamaskar Yagna 2020

It’s back! This April we are challenging everyone to perform daily suryanamaskars as a family. Suryanamaskar is a well balanced set of postures that will stretch all the muscles in the body and keep the body and mind healthy.

Bauddhik and Shareerik challenges for Bāl / Bālika

Children’s workbook with a range of Bauddhik and Shareerik challenges to complete whilst at home

Download workbook

Useful digital resources

A list of digital resources with fitness routines, recommended reading, movies and series to watch online based on Hindu and Bhāratiya history and culture.

Local online book clubs

Run a local online book club. Watch video for  ideas and book recommendations.
Watch video below