I’ve been coming to shakha since my buggy days!

What I am today…shakha has played a very important part. Second only to my parents.

Shakha gives you the guidance and then it is up to the individual to make what they wish from what they have learnt. Shakha has played a massive role for what I am thus far and what I have achieved and will play a part all my life.

The icing on the cake was the recent mahashibir we had where nearly 4000 swayemsevaks or sevikas attended Overall and 400 swayemsevaks or sevikas volunteered for the whole week.
Yes it was challenging for the week actually very very hard at times but the satisfaction gained from what we achieved at the samarop(final day) I and many others will never forget. Superb

Help others with sewa always support your family and enjoy life. Just get the balance right…there’s no such thing as I can’t do it…yes we can

Hitesh Solanki, Birmingham
